
Mujtoba Ahmed Murshed

Poet Mujtoba Ahmed Murshed is a Bangladeshi poet and fiction writer. He is one of the strongest contemporary voices in Bangladeshi poetry and short stories.

Poet Mujtoba Murshed has generated intrepid positivism in his vast, colourful canvas of poetry. He loves dwelling in the world of romanticism and humanism, which made him turn out to be a poet of his people. Over the last 40 years, his stories have human dynamics and an undeniable emotional appeal. Murshed masterly portrays everyday experiences with vivid and luminous images. He proves a discriminating eye for the surrounding world and provides it with fictional flavour. He can also claim credit for incorporating superstitions, local beliefs, hocus pocus into his stories in a faithful manner. He strikes a balance between realism and romanticism.

Mujtoba worked as the Political Advisor to the Japanese and German embassies in Dhaka for a quarter-century. He served the BIMSTEC as an Advisor. He also worked with an English daily newspaper as an Executive Editor for some time. Several TV dramas and serials were also made based on the short stories of Mujtoba and had attained popularity and appreciation from the viewers and critics. He is an active team member of TV Metro Mail, Canada.

Mujtoba Ahmed Murshed, /

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