
Syeda Rahman

Infinite Being with Infinite Possibilities. Holistic therapist,
Usui Ryoho Reiki Master, NLP Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, reader, hunter-gatherer of interestingness, poetry and prose, thought provoker and curious mind at large.

I practice under the name of More Than A Therapist – helping people to live creatively, intellectually and spiritually. My goal is to cross-pollinate ideas from a wealth of disciplines. Different disciplines illuminate one another and lead to insight, directly or indirectly, into that grand question of how to live, and how to live well.

I’m a graduate in English Literature (Macquarie University, Sydney) and currently doing my post grad in Counselling (Australian College of Applied Psychology, Sydney). I am part of the Radio Metro Mail and can be reached at syedarahman@themetromail.com to organize one on one counselling or to answer any questions you may have. Alternatively you can reach me at:

Website: www.syedarahman.com
Twitter: @thanatherapist
Instagram: morethanatherapist
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syedashusmitarahman/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5z5Xn6YrVgzpeFWhgDN3uQ

Syeda Rahman,